Sunday, August 13, 2023

আরেকটি ২০২০/২১ সিজন?

 ফুটবলকে একদম সহজভাবে দেখলে মাঠে  দুইটা ব্যাসিক কাজ করতে হয়। গোল ঠেকাতে হয় এবং গোল দিতে হয়। সেখানে আমার ক্লাব বাকি সব কাজই করে নিচ্ছে শুধুমাত্র গোল ঠেকানো আর দেয়া বাদে। দলে নেই কোনো নাম্বার নাইন, গত দুই সিজন ধরে দলের ৩ জন বিগম্যান যাদের ওপর নির্ভর করতো ম্যাচের ভাগ্য তাদের একজন সৌদি গিয়ে গোল দিচ্ছে , একজন সিজন লং ইন্জুরিতে আরেকজনকে এমন পজিশনে খেলানো হচ্ছে যেখানে তিনি খেলতে স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যবোধ করে না। দলের সেরা ডিফেন্ডার ও গোলকিপার  ACL ইন্জুরিতে দলের বাহিরে। এখন ভরসা বলতে আছেই জোড়া কয়েক তাগড়া মিডফিল্ডার। কিন্তু সেই ব্যাসিকে ফিরে গেলে নাই সেই গোল দেবার মানুষ, নাই গোল ঠেকানোর কোনো উপায়। একজন অপটিমিস্টিক মানুষ হয়েও এই সিজনে পেসিমিজম ছাড়া অন্য কিছু খুজে পাচ্ছি না।

Saturday, August 5, 2023

My Personal Voyage!

 Unveiling Life’s Tales, One Day at a Time.

Each month follows a unique pattern of 30 or 31 days, with a few exceptions to 28. Time never stops moving forward, no matter how long or short. Every day in this continuous experience creates a new life story with new situations, plotlines, and perspectives. Every day, we can record our personal experiences on a fresh and blank page from the moment we wake up until we go to bed. These moments can be full of excitement and new possibilities. As I traverse this mosaic of time, I eagerly await the stories that unfold, riding the currents of existence.

Imagine waking up to the soft hues of a sunrise, where the sky transforms into a canvas painted with shades of gold and pink. The aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee fills the air, invigorating your senses as you embark on a new day. With each step, you feel the coolness of dew-kissed grass beneath your feet, connecting you to the earth’s embrace. These sensory experiences intertwine with time’s passage, infusing each moment with a unique and unforgettable essence.

Recall when a simple object or scene held profound meaning, becoming a vessel for memory. I remember my grandfather’s worn diary, pages filled with handwritten stories and reflections. Each stroke of his pen was a testament to the moments she wished to preserve for eternity. Similarly, my friend has a talent for finding beauty in ordinary things and capturing the subtle details of daily life with their camera. These stories remind us that documenting our experiences through writing or pictures allows us to relive precious memories and feelings.

As time passes, think about the advantages of documenting your own individual experiences. By chronicling the highs and lows, the challenges and triumphs, you create a repository of insights. You’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the journey you’ve undertaken, recognizing the growth and transformation that occur over time. These documented stories become a wellspring of inspiration, a reminder that each step forward is a testament to your resilience and inner strength.

So, dear reader, I encourage you to seize the pen or camera and embark on this journey of chronicling your life. Whether through words that dance across the pages of a journal or images that capture the essence of a fleeting moment, you’re crafting a legacy of your unique existence. Embrace the power of recording your personal experiences, for in doing so, you’re weaving a narrative that transcends time, enriching your life and the lives of those who follow in your footsteps.


 Confronting the Challenge: Unfolding Phases of Growth.

Throughout our journey in life, we encounter moments of success and challenge. These moments are intricately woven together to create natural phases of growth. In facing triumphs and setbacks, we gain valuable lessons and become the best versions of ourselves. During difficult times, we can develop increased resilience, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence through self-reflection and self-improvement. Despite our obstacles, we can approach them with a relentless determination to overcome them, which shapes us into stronger individuals with more remarkable grit and character.

From Setbacks to Soaring: Embracing Change.

Sometimes, the passage of time can be challenging, but I always find a way to persevere. Even when faced with difficult decisions and uncertainties that can cloud my path, I can overcome them. My inner strength and unwavering hope keep me going, even when the odds seem against me. Every setback is an opportunity for growth and self-reflection, and I constantly strive to improve myself. Although the road ahead may only sometimes be clear, I can rise above any obstacle and achieve my goals.

Carving a Path of Transformation: A Call to Action.

During life’s ups and downs, we hold the power to make a difference in the world. As I navigate the twists and turns of existence, I’m reminded of the profound truth that change must start within. Though we may not be able to control our external circumstances, we can transform ourselves from the inside out. This inward journey is where the seeds of a new world are planted, where our thoughts can turn into actions that positively impact the world around us.

Charting the Course Ahead: A Personal Commitment.

At the crossroads of introspection and action, I witness the symphony of life’s phases. With conviction, I commit to charting a transformation course. Challenges will persist, setbacks are inevitable, but I refuse to despair. I rise from each fall, strengthened and encouraged. Join me on this quest as we shape our destinies and our world. Embrace imperfections, learn from setbacks, and forge a brighter, more compassionate future. A transformation revolution is underway within us.