Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Happy 122nd Birthday to my beloved club.


There is only one way. And it is up; up, upon the Clouds of Always Remembered, where we belong, every one of us.
Happy 122nd Birthday to my beloved club.

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Today, I had one of the best cinematic experiences of my life. This movie is why cinema was created: to transport us to a new world and capture our imagination through storytelling. It is a cinematography, sound, acting, direction, and production masterclass. Out of all the science fiction films I have watched, this is one of the best. This will be remembered as the greatest of our generation. I won’t stop thinking about this for days; it was all worth it.



Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Exceptional 2023!

 2023 has been an exceptional, roller coaster-riding year for me. I started this year with lots of uncertainty. One of them is what I am going to do with my life. Though I am a very optimistic person still, at some point in this year, I felt depressed and hopeless. I had been clueless for more than months. But I never stopped believing in myself, have been calm, and have kept faith in Allah. And my fruit of patience came as a sweet. Things have started putting the pieces together. Alhamdulillah! I got my first job from only my second interview. Then, the Responsibilities my father left on my shoulders kept up successfully and started getting involved with some more. Throughout this roller coaster ride, my family and close ones stood by me like unwavering support pillars. Their presence made the path smoother, and I'm immensely thankful for that. Besides welcoming positive changes, I decided to bid farewell to some toxic people.

 In life, someone does not always have to chase happiness or greatness. In this way, you never find the meaning of life. It is the journey you carry with you and the path you choose. This world is uncertain in every aspect, so I am still determining where I will end up in the next few months, but I will continue until the end. That is the only New Year resolution I have ever had and always will.  
Cheers to resilience, faith, and the excitement of the path ahead! Alhamdulillah!